July 2018

Market Minute - July 2018

Posted on Jul 09, 2018 in Sunshine Coast, BC Real Estate Podcast

The latest news release from the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver confirm what we’ve known for months: detached homes are entering a buyers’ market and sales of townhomes and condos are slowing down as well.

Specific to the Sunshine Coast, the latest numbers show that between June 2017 and June 2018, sales of detached homes have fallen by 42 p...

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Pricing your home to sell

Posted on Jul 04, 2018 in Tips When Buying or Selling

When selling your home, smart pricing is crucial. A common misstep is to price your property too high in order to give yourself some room to negotiate down to the price you actually want.

This is the worst thing you can do. The average public are not professional real estate agents but they ARE the ones that choose what houses to see. Regular buyers...

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