June 2019

Smuggler Cove Marine Provincial Park - Sunshine Coast, BC

Posted on Jun 26, 2019 in Halfmoon Bay

Smuggler Cove Marine Provincial Park on BC’s beautiful Sunshine Coast is a wonderful natural area and has a trail system that runs through a wide variety of landscape. There’s heaps to see and do there as you explore the trails, boardwalks, bays, and coves. Birds and wildlife are abundant and if you’re lucky, you might see eagles, beavers, ducks, s...

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Farmer's Markets on BC's Sunshine Coast

Posted on Jun 18, 2019 in About the Sunshine Coast

Sunshine Coast Farmer Market Links

BC’s beautiful Sunshine Coast is blessed to have a wide variety of farmers’ markets, especially in the summe...

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High & Low Tides on BC's Sunshine Coast

Posted on Jun 11, 2019 in About the Sunshine Coast

One of my favourite parts of living next to the ocean is paying attention to the tidal fluctuations, especially when there are extremes between low and high tides.

It’s a gross oversimplification to say that tides are caused by the gravitational forces of the sun and moon but that’s all the science my feeble Realtor mind can process. FundyForce.ca e...

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Market Minute - June 2019

Posted on Jun 06, 2019 in Sunshine Coast, BC Real Estate Podcast

Between January 2018 and June 2018, the Sunshine Coast saw 458 sales and an average house sale price of $736,000. The median time on market was 29 days.

Let’s compare that to 2019. So far this year, we’ve seen 183 fewer sales and the average house price has dropped to $690,000. Median time on market has grown to 42 days. Fewer homes are selling for...

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Turd Fairies on the Sunshine Coast

Posted on Jun 01, 2019 in About the Sunshine Coast

Sunshine Coast Bylaw Enforcement Phone Numbers

  • Gibsons Bylaw Enforcement: 604-886-2274
  • Sechelt Bylaw Enforcement: 604-885-1986
  • SCRD Bylaw Enforcement: 604-885-6817

If you do any hiking on BC’s Sunshine Coast, you’ve likely noticed bags of doggy deposits hanging in trees or placed on rocks. It seems to be getting worse and is a pet peeve of mine, pun in...

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